Program   pdf     Abstract booklet

All talks will take place in lecture hall 099 of the ExWi-building of the University of Bern.
Coffee breaks will be organized in front of the lecture hall.

Monday, August 5

08:30 Registration opens
09:30 Welcome
09:45 Urs Wiedemann News and theoretical challenges from recent heavy ion experiments
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Guy Moore NLO calculations at finite temperature and the lightcone
11:45 Kari Rummukainen Qhat from EQCD
12:15 Seyong Kim Lattice NRQCD study of bottomonium around the deconfinement temperature
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Harvey Meyer Non-perturbative approaches to transport properties and spectral functions in hot QCD
14:45 Bastian Brandt QCD thermodynamics with O(a) improved Wilson fermions at Nf = 2
15:10 Heng-Tong Ding QCD transition at finite temperature with domain wall fermions
15:35 Coffee Break
16:10 Yu Maezawa Meson screening masses at finite temperature with highly improved staggered quarks
16:35 Oscar Akerlund Scale hierarchy in high-temperature QCD
Sponsored talks Poster session opens
17:00 Mike Clark Lattice QCD on GPUs
17:30 Edmund Preiss Intel's HPC and Xeon Phi oriented Software development tools
18:00 Apero Poster session continues

Tuesday, August 6

09:15 Heiri Leutwyler The mass of the two lightest quarks
10:00 Christian Schmidt The strange degrees of freedom in QCD at high temperature
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Dean Lee Lattice effective field theory for nuclear physics
11:45 Sourendu Gupta The QCD critical point
12:15 Andrei Alexandru QCD at imaginary chemical potential with Wilson fermions
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Michael Endres Unitary fermions
14:45 Simon Hands A strongly-interacting Fermi surface? Voltage-biased bilayer graphene
15:10 Yuji Sakai Analytic continuation in two color QCD with clover-improved Wilson fermion at finite density
15:35 Coffee Break
16:10 Rajiv Gavai Quark number susceptibility divergence can be subtracted off
16:35 Jacques Bloch Solving the sign problem in one-dimensional QCD
17:00 Thomas Kloiber Dual methods for lattice field theories at finite density
17:25 Kim Splittorff The QCD sign problem as a total derivative
17:50 Group photo
19:00 Dinner Restaurant Rosengarten

Wednesday, August 7

09:15 William Detmold QCD at nonzero isospin density
10:00 Leonard Fister Gluondynamics in 2-colour matter at high density
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Falk Bruckmann Thermodynamic properties of QCD in external magnetic fields
11:45 Shailesh Chandrasekharan Fermion bag solutions to sign problems
12:15 Denes Sexty Simulations of full QCD using the complex Langevin equation
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Mithat Unsal Center symmetry, neutral bions and (a tiny little bit of) resurgence theory
14:45 Joyce Myers Large N relationship of weakly coupled QCD on the hypersphere with strongly coupled lattice QCD
15:10 Tiago Nunes Probing the conformal window on the lattice
15:35 Coffee Break
16:10 Matti Jarvinen Finite-temperature holographic QCD in the Veneziano limit
16:35 Kouji Kashiwa Phase diagram and Hosotani mechanism in QCD-like theory with compact dimensions
17:00 Ting-Wai Chiu Chiral symmetry and axial U(1) symmetry in finite temperature QCD with domain-wall fermion
17:25 Jeff Greensite Effective Polyakov line actions and the sign problem
17:50 Adjourn


Alessandro Amato Transport coefficients of the QGP
Georg Bergner The strong coupling expansion of the effective Polyakov loop action and the free energy of the static quark-antiquark pair
Wolfgang Bietenholz Dirac Spectrum of a 2d Theory with Sigma=0
Igor Bogolubsky On 2D and 3D localized solutions with nontrivial topology
Jingyi Chao An inverse magnetic catalysis effect induced by sphalerons
Saumen Datta Bottomonia correlators from lattice QCD
Ydalia Delgado Simulating Abelian Gauge-Higgs models using the worm algorithm
Pietro Giudice Thermodynamics of dense 2-color matter
Masanori Hanada A new look at instantons at large N
Tim Harris Bottomonium at finite temperature
Kazuhiko Kamikado Effects of baryon number density fluctuation around QCD critical point
Nikhil Karthik Improved hadronic screening at zero baryon density
Chris Korthals Altes, Alfonso Sastre What drives the departure from the Stefan-Boltzmann gluon gas?
Keh-Fei Liu Origin of sign problem and noise filtering
Nilmani Mathur Nucleons near the QCD deconfinement transition
Keitaro Nagata Eigen spectrum of Wilson fermions in finite isospin chemical potential
Atsushi Nakamura What can we learn from RHIC proton multiplicity distributions on QCD phase diagram?
Takahiro Sasaki Constraints on quark-hadron transition from lattice QCD and neutron-star observation
Daisuke Satow Quasi-Nambu-Goldstone fermion in QGP and cold atom system
Hans-Peter Schadler New developments in the fugacity expansion approach to finite density QCD
Sayantan Sharma Investigation of the axial anomaly in high temperature QCD on the lattice
Nucu Stamatescu Progress in complex Langevin simulation for lattice gauge models at non-zero chemical potential
Shinji Takeda Exploring finite density QCD with Nf=3 and 4 by Wilson-type fermions
Wolfgang Unger The phase diagram of QCD in the strong coupling limit and its O(beta) corrections
Masanobu Yahiro Differences and similarities between fundamental and adjoint fermions in SU(N) gauge theories
Arata Yamamoto Strong external electric fields in lattice QCD